Walking Backwards

3 min readFeb 5, 2020

I once wrote/typed/swiped a tweet on the 21 stof September 2019, which said and i quote “we actually walk backwards spiritually because we can only see our past but not our future”. First off, a little background with walking backwards. Some say it is an occultist act of some sorts. Some footballers do it before entering the pitch for good fortune, Actors such as Tom Cruise once instructed all staff at a hotel to walk backwards when entering his room as well ( that was during the filming of Mission Impossible Fallout). Some say it reverses damage when you walk backwards. There are many beliefs in this world and you’ll see a lot of things if you step out of the social media bubble to research. This post however, is about explaining my tweet which got a few people confused.

Life is an interesting journey where all humans strive for good things such as happiness, success, peace of mind, companionship among other pleasant things. Our souls are in different bodies and we are all dealt with different cards to begin with. Some have great cards and are in good families with lots of money, others are dealt with difficult cards with very tough upbringings. How souls are distributed to different bodies and why we find ourselves in the bodies we are in is a question only for God. No one knows the criteria for selection. People even believe in reincarnation. All that being said, we all undergo the journey of life and we all learn while making mistakes or observing other’s mistakes.

To get my tweet, imagine walking backwards in a garden as beautiful as the Garden of Eden. You can see gorgeous flowers, trees, flamboyant birds and fascinating waterfalls. While you’re walking backwards, you have an idea of the things you’ll see next just by what is in front of you. You’re likely to see more of these amazing things. After a while, you’ll get to the end of the garden and you’ll enter the desert. You didn’t see that happening did you? That is how life is. While in the desert you’ll notice things aren’t as radiant so you may choose to do what is necessary to go back to the garden. You can decide to walk backwards in circles if you want to stay where you are in life or you can walk straight unto a different path hoping you’ll get to a better place but we can’t see the future. Only Prophets can, that is if you believe them.

Long story short, we cannot see what happens even a day from now let alone a week or a month. We may be a catalyst for change by doing more in our lives which equals to “walking backwards at a faster rate” if we don’t like what we see around us or we may slow down and enjoy the present state of affairs. Either way, we can’t see what is coming in our lives but we can use the past and present to direct us.

Originally published at http://midasthoughts.wordpress.com on February 5, 2020.




A Lifestyle blogger who loves to analyze life and write what inspires him